Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby Deckard (8 weeks and 5 days old)

We went to the doctor yesterday for our first ultrasound. It was so nice and reassuring to hear little Baby Deckard's heartbeat and see the cute little peanut. Josh brought a video camera and was such a proud and cute dad, video taping the visit. After we got home I went upstairs to check on Josh and he had put together this video clip (highlights of the visit). I thought it was so sweet that he made this. I love watching it...even more than all of my tv shows! If you watch closely, you can see the baby move a little (or maybe it is just my imagination).

Thanks sweetie!


  1. oh my word!!! my eyes teared when i hear peanuts heartbeat!! So excited for you both!

  2. It is really amazing how much the baby looks like Josh :)
