Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Jersey Visit

Sophie (my 5 year old niece) started Kindergarten on Tuesday, so I had to make a trip up to NJ for the big occasion! She is getting so big. Here are some pictures from the visit. I just ADORE my nieces...they are just the cutest. Brooke and Haiely would tickle my belly and say "tickle baby, tickle baby". Sophie and I had fun feeling Baby D kick at us. They are so sweet.

Brooke, Me, Sophie and Hailey (who for some reason wouldn't take off the headphones...not connected to anything...such a goof)!

Missy, Sophie and I on our shopping adventure. Stopped for a Starbucks break.

Sophie with her Starbucks...I just thought this was so funny!

Hailey and Brooke showing me their Halloween costumes!

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