Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Making Room for Baby D!

I don't know if this technically counts as "nesting", but the other day I began reorganizing our kitchen to make room for Baby D. I know nesting isn't supposed to happen until the end of a pregnancy, but I think I was born to nest. The thought of adding another person to our house really brings out the nester in me! In each room of our house I keep thinking of all of Baby D's things that will need to go there. And then realize that with all of the junk/fine treasures Josh and I have accumulated, there just isn't space.

So, this began my constant need to organize (I'm sure my mom never thought this day would come)! If any of you know my mom, you know how she loves to organize. I am finally understanding this compulsion! I can't be in a room without going through things and leaving a little space for Baby D. I would hate for Baby D to get here in December and think "they just don't have room for me".

It makes me laugh though, because for the next 4.5 months we are going to have a prime spot (bottom cupboard shelf - and for those shorties out there like me, you know this is prime real estate) in our kitchen completely empty from my shenanigans (except for a bottle I got as a gift from Buy Buy Baby)! I don't know why I thought it had to be done right now, but it is fun to look at and think of how quickly that shelf will fill up and how different life will be with the necessary items on it.

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